Entry #11

Wednesday, July 7, 2010 10:36 AM Posted by Emily Looney
"...monster toothache. A killer, he said -- like a nail in his jaw. The dentist couldn't find any problem, but Lemon kept insisting, sothe man finally shrugged and shot in the Novocain and yanked out a perfectly good tooth. There was some pain, no doubt, but in the morning Curt Lemon was all smiles." [page 84]

It's funny what people do to show they are "manly" or "womanly" enough. Lemon didn't want to be seen as a wimp even though he had a tendency to pass out around dentists. He said he had problems with dentists in the past, and basically he was afraid. I'm sure Lemon couldn't allow this to linger any longer though. He was a young guy who was extremely proud and thought highly of himself. He couldn't have his peers and superiors looking down on him in any way.

Personally, I absolutely hate the dentist. I had an appointment yesterday morning and I just absolutely dread sitting in that office that smells of flouride. Also, I don't think I've ever actually seen my dentist's face either....but that's another story. The most couragous people I know still have fears, and I don't think that is anything to be ashamed of. But then again, sometimes young age clouds judgement.

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