The first thing I thought of when I read this story was this woman is a charity case. Phoenix, just by her name and her independent nature seems to be quite a free spirit. Throughout 75% of this story she is walking through the woods, talking to herself, on the way to town. The walk to town is apparently crazy long because the hunter she meets along the way tells her how she needs to turn back and go home. She also is a mooch because she takes the money from the hunter that he drops and she is somewhat proud of herself for that. Then her shoe is untied, so she has a lady tie it for her when she gets closer to the city. Finally, she receives money from the people at the doctor's office because it's Christmas time and she needs to get something for her grandson. I don't think she actually has a grandson. I think her dillusional sense makes her think she has a grandson so she "gets money" for him and "gets drugs" for his ailment. Phoenix is the grandmother who lives home all by herself and talks to hallucinations. Weird, weird story, but very difficult to dig deeper into.
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