Miss Brill is a high maintenance woman who is enthralled in that her life is like a play. She believes all the people are merely actors on a stage of life. She is intriguing because she is somewhat self involved and she appreciate things such as her fur that apparently still has the head on it. There is not much physical description of Miss Brill because she is very involved in knowing what is going on with other people and their lives. She is very concerned with her luxuries but she does not continue on about them with the exception of her prized possession, her fur. Her first name is omitted because it is not something that the town she lives in worries about. The people in her town think she is old, nosy, and odd because of her listening to other people's conversations and her affinity for her fur. They also take her for granted, especially the young people who were making fun of her at the end of the story. There is little to no dialogue between her and an actual person. It is more like a stream of consciousness that continues through the story until the end where she goes home and puts her fur away, hearing it "cry."
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